We took Dumbo the RV for a weekend at the beautiful Oregon Coast. The color of the curtains, wasn't the biggest issue. Hmmm, one of the reasons I was happy not to have one of those adorable little vintage airstreams was the problems they would certainly have due to age... Well you don't have to be vintage to have issues if you are a RV... I think Dave the driver/mechanic got it worked out.
I took my sewing machine, thinking I would have lots of time to finish some projects.. Nope not so, we still have some bugs to work out with organization... In other words I couldn't find a thing so I spent all weekend looking for whatever it was I needed...then of course I had to remember what I needed it for??
The weather was fabulous, and I would be sharing the photos, except the camera was one of the things I never did find...
Here are a few of the other things I have been collecting and need to price and pack.
thinking I will price like items and then display them in suitcases. Probably ones that you can open and see inside but this one is so cool, I had to show it...When I get to a show all I would have to do is open the suitcase and whaa laaa... ready !!
What is not to love about buttons? If you didn't inherit family photos you can always get some like these and who would know the difference??
Well enough procrastination time to get on with the fun!! Hope you have a great day!