I told myself we would have a catch up week, before we get started on getting things packed up and ready for the show in Coburg on the Sunday after Labor Day, September 7th.
Early this morning I'm busy minding my own business, taking the week to try and get some kind of control over the house, the yard, the shop, the barn, the five hundred other things I have neglected for way too long. Naturally I am trying to catch up on the blogs I haven't read in forever... So... I read one that is a favorite of someone I know... and it says, "check out my Face Book for more information" so being the curious type, I follow the link and naturally I have to have an account to look... (how annoying is that) but I have a few minutes so I do what I have to do to get an account and then, it asks about friends and up pops my email address book. Hmmm, I think well yes these are certainly my friends. So I check them all, thinking that if these "friends" have Face Book accounts then they will know that I have one and I can look at their "face" and they can look at mine...
Oh yeah, this is so easy check, check, check, next thing I know I have many and I do mean MANY emails!! What? Everyone gets notified that I want them to be my friend and in order to see my "face" they have to have an account??? Then they notify me and I respond... I have to see if they checked yes? Oh my gosh some of the contacts in my address book evidently got several requests, the ones I just couldn't bear if we weren't friends got 3 and some even 4 requests to be my friend?? They are no doubt thinking how pitiful... she needs friends so desperately... gee I hate to see her beg.... okay, alright I'll be her friend... I just hope she isn't going to start bugging me day and night on the computer..
I don't think I even got to the person I was trying to read about!! Now that I have so many friends I guess I don't really need to worry about it..
If this has a familiar sound to it, you are just recalling when I sent several emails to the same people about the sale I was trying to advertise... I patiently explained to them that those people I really, really wanted to be there got more than one notice...
The thing that really baffles me is, why has no one ever asked me to be a Face Book friend? At least once? Evidently I asked many people, several times each??
Apparently I am, over friendly?? The other question I have is where are the controls on this computer? Some one, (like a parent), should be watching that I don't harm myself or someone else on this "magic box". And lastly do you suppose the people at the bank will respond to my Face Book friend plea?
Before today's escapade with Face Book I was going to figure out how to add a slide show to the side bar... Guess I better put that idea on the back burner for awhile... One can only imagine what chaos I could make with a slide show? And I had thought I might add music...