Occasionally I feel like I have some time to do what I want, like... well I don't really know what, but generally I have a whole bunch of things that I need to do, should do, have to do, or I really better do now! Some are really random like change the side bar on the blog, change the banner, from the Christmas one, mail letters, go to the bank, blah blah blah. The same kind of stuff we all have to do, then I get lots of fun things that I want to do thrown in on that, and add the random time eating things I do for my parents that I want to do, but take time and oh my gosh oh golly do I ever get behind. Its okay, no really its okay, honest its okay...
With all that said, I wanted to invite YOU to a Blog Party, yes I know I should have had this information out sooner but... I still hope you can come. We had wanted to do this before Christmas and it just didn't work out for all of us. But now we are ready and we would love to meet you in person.

It is so much fun when someone says
I read your blog, a lot more fun than when someone asks me about what I have been doing and I say do you read my blog and they start stuttering and acting guilty... Its really okay if you don't, but of course
you do... or you wouldn't know about this fun get together and, then you would miss all the fun and when you complained and I said..
.do you read my blog??? I'm just trying to do my part to make this world a better place... or something like that.
When I have told people about the blog party, they don't know what it is, and actually we don't either. It is a first for us but we have often said what fun it would be to get together and have time to visit with people we
"know" but have never met. We talked about a restaurant, but some bloggers are loud and crazy and it would be sad to be thrown out of a public place.
Some people occasionally
need to be reminded to use their inside voices... And of course on thing leads to another and what a great idea we had to have a little workshop on the same day a Make and Take Affair, we will do crowns and also a cute little valentine that Miss Martha is getting together. I will show some pictures of the Valentine a little later, the price for the crown which will include all the materials is $18 and the price of the Valentine will come with the picture.
It would be best if you sign up early for the workshop because space will be limited and after all if pays to be organized...(
so they say) and if you want to leave the party sporting one of these then leave a comment or... an email to one of us and we will save you a spot. We would also love to know if you are coming to the Open House and so if you would let one of us know that we would be ever so thankful. Much like an RSVP,
but that is such a hassle...
Martha, or
IsabelI'm hoping this is all clear and if not let us know and we will answer any questions.
As for what else am I up to this year???

I see I forgot to put Coburg Antique Sale in but that isn't until September and so I will have plenty of time to make another calender before then...
This is the photo we took today for the 4 Friends sale on March 21st. We had a good time making the post card. It is so much fun to work with other people, not to mention it is a lot more likely the postcards will be mailed on time...
possibly even early...