A funny thing happened on the way to Pullman… Well, in fact, it wasn’t all that funny. Come to think of it not funny at all.
Once again the trials and tribulations of being director of
“The Circus Train”
proved to be the challenge I have begun to expect whenever we takeoff for a “gig”.
Yes, once again we found ourselves on the side of the road, with less than adequate cell service and the lead performer refusing to budge. Dumbo (the rv) was having a temper tantrum of gigantic proportions. With over a 125 miles to go, there was no way we were going to be able to push this performer into “going on”.
So with a colossal size tow, we left all the treasures behind in the trailer on the side of the road, and headed to the nearest repair shop.
I must interject here, how amusing I think it would be if someone were to steal the trailer full of treasures from the side of the road. I can just picture their surprise when they cut the locks, only to see??? Can’t you just picture them looking at each other (naturally this would be a team of scoundrels…) saying ,“what is this, for this we risked jail time?? Whose great idea was this anyway?? “
What was less amusing was the price for a new transmission, the fact that it would take a week to complete and now,
how were we to get to the show?
After loosing my entire sense of humor, while pricing rental vehicles capable of towing the trailer. We settled on a suv and took a few small items to the second day of the show.
I had given the models a “gilded look” before we left, some were silver and some were gold.
They had their new shirts on…
I was glad I had spent the extra time on the jewelry since that was pretty much all there was room for…
Still mulling over what to do about our dilemma, regarding repairs, accommodations and transportation…
You can only imagine our delight and speedy acceptance when our friends, Lisa and Mark, whom we had previously only know as fellow vendors at shows, invited us to stay in their home and use of their vehicle.
What a beautiful home they have, filled with all sorts of antiques and vintage treasures. Lisa has been tour guide, chef and hostess extraordinaire, while Mark was (lucky for him) out of town for work…
The next time you see Lisa,
she will be at The Custer Show next weekend and at the Farm Chick’s in June, (on the right as soon as you enter building 1). Be sure to stop by her booth, say hello and see for yourself what angels look like in person.