Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just Do It!

Do you ever spend more time trying to decide than it would take to just do it?  Today I will be packing the trailer for the Oregon City Show and for the Fall Premier Show at Monticello.  I am looking (in my mind) for a great idea.  I keep coming up blank… Maybe that is where the saying, “my mind went blank came from?”  Or perhaps, “ I keep drawing a blank?” 

Not as if I don’t have something to wear while I work, there is my new apron, maybe I should save it for “special”?  But if I wear it for this dreaded ordeal maybe today could be “special”?


apron and chaps 006

Or should I wear this, while I work?

Now that would certainly be “special”…

apron and chaps 028 See what I mean?

So many important decisions??

Is this enough jewelry?

apron and chaps 029

And if that weren’t

enough to worry about…

What should I eat?

These yummy looking tomatoes?

apron and chaps 044

Or these lovely peppers?

apron and chaps 046

Or should I have both?

apron and chaps 050

And you thought I had nothing to worry about?


  1. Haha Your too funny! i love your blog and have so much fun reading it! You are working very hard but it seems you are enjoying yourself which makes it all worthwhile i'm sure! Thanks for sharing it was fun!

  2. Decisions um sometimes they can be hard because there are so many choices. I will look forward to seeing your space at Monticello. It was great to see you last weekend.

  3. Joy, Have a great show, wear all the jewelry and the aprons four hours at a time rotating them. The food looks way to healthy. Can you make a pie? OX

  4. Chuckle time! Have a great time, you'll be fine!! Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  5. Go with the chaps! You must sell them before Brock sees them too... he really wants a pair. You're on a roll with great shows, I know you'll come up with something new and cool, you always do. I'm ready for the coops when you are. Thanks for "getting" it, you're so sharp!

    Love you,


  6. I hear you! I have a show in 4 weeks and I'm already freaking out about packing! Good luck! ~Mindy

  7. Hi, Miss Joy!
    So missing all the Oregon gals and can't wait to hear how Oregon City was. Enjoying laughing with you!
    Have a super week!
    Betty :)

  8. oh, you'll make the right decision!! lol. When does Montacello start their sale?? Your area is always sooo cool

  9. Hi there Joy,
    I wanted to drop you a line and let you know how nice it was to get to meet you in person in Oregon City. You and your booth looked great! I was the excited lady that said "I read your blog!!" It was like meeting real celebrities...well, you know movie
    You told me about a show that is going to be held in Spokane in October. I would love to have more information. I am located in Spokane and would love a chance to participate. Any information would be great.
    Thanks so much and again... you are a doll. I hope to see you again.
    Orphaned Decor
    Spokane, WA
