This is a picture of me happy as can BEE!!!
Yes, I did indeed get all the names on a new spreadsheet, and tomorrow Dusty will come help me get them on labels. Seriously it would be faster to write them out using my best penmanship. However, I can't believe how much better this program is than the $20 one I bought for my 'vintage' computer... Of course I couldn't figure out how to make it work on my own, but if someone puts my fingers on the right keys...well there is just no stopping me!!
I know what your thinking, why doesn't she just take a class and learn to use a computer??? Well... now that I have HP the wonder laptop I think maybe we might take an obedience class. Especially because HP came with Vista, which is new enough that none of my helpers are familiar with it...How funny would it be if I was helping them out someday on the computer???
When I saw that I would get finished with the mailing list before my dead line, (I tried to finish last night but my eyes started going crazy about 1:30 am so I had to give up and go to bed)..
I decided that Sam needed a trip to the Pumpkin Patch.. There is a really cool one near us, Bauman Farms. This is not the Pumpkin Patch that I took the big boys to 20 or so years ago... Oh my goodness this is practically Disneyland.. They have hayrides, zipslides, haymazes and that is just the beginning. They also have pumpkins for sale.. go figure?? I love the flowers and the way they pay attention to details. I bought a few apples, some corn, pumpkins for the house and some orange pansies.. I'm thinking a new table centerpiece is on the way!!
They have these big crates of apples for sale, fresh donuts and all kinds of flowers. I wish I could say that my flower baskets look as good as theirs at the end of the season. They

definitely don't!
definitely don't!
Here is The Red Power Ranger in his ' Sam Outfit '
The animals are fun. I like the goats and Sam loves the horses, but what is more country than chickens? They have all different varieties.
What do you suppose someone fed this one?
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