Thursday, May 1, 2008

I see the sun!!

Trying to get the plans for the annual 4th of July "Old Stuff on Main Street" antique sale, has been quite a challenge as it seems months and months away. Could be since we had snow a couple of weeks ago?? I have been getting all the applications and information on summer antique sales I normally do and realize its later than I think...
In reality

is just around the corner!!
We started this sale four years ago and it is so much fun! Everyone is in a festive spirit and it seems like everyone is looking for something to do during the day onPhotobucket
If you are interested in doing this show drop me an email an I will send you the information, if you are waiting for your information I will send it in the next couple of days.
I have a hard time working on projects that are in the distant future, as I am usually spinning in circles working on the current ones... I spent yesterday sorting the remains of the estate sale, one pile to keep, one to sell, one to donate... yeah I read the book on organizing... Where is the book on focusing?? I think I bought that one awhile back, wonder where I put that??
Today I will be back in the trenches, I mean shop working the piles...


  1. Are you back to running the show then? Hope it goes well for you and you get lots of vendors to sign up!

  2. 4th of July already!
    Where is the time going?
    Hope all is well...

  3. I drove by and saw your rig and trailer. Man! Your going to look like a wagon train! Let me know when this estate sale is going to be ok. Laurie

  4. Wow, so soon! Good for you Joy, you are the most productive person I know!

