So let me tell you a little about all the charm of their place. You drive up and there was a virtual buffet of sweet treats and coffee. The outside was adorable and these farm chicken's were there to welcome you. Everything was neat and tidy, these guys obviously know about... a place for everything and everything in its place!! It looks like this little chick in front even got a morning bath she was so clean and white!
This guy, his name is Turkey -Turkey was hiding in the back room.
That is his wife in the straw behind him, she was having a little rest and I didn't catch her name, maybe hen-hen or henny-henny?? There were also goats out back but I didn't get their picture..
Here is Diane again, still shopping.. It really was hard to choose there were so many things we would have all loved to have taken home!
A very cool cupboard..
Sweet little display.. I told you a place for everything and everything...
I loved this little green set of drawers, one of my favorite things! This is the check out desk. That is Jermone in the back, I was so busy taking it all in I didn't get a picture of the two of them. But not to worry I will definitely be going to their sales and next time.... And who knows maybe by then I will have figured out how to use my new camera!!
This is the garden from the barn headed to the house, hence Barn House Antiques, go figure..
It was such a great time I hope if you are anywhere in the vicinity during their next event, that you will make it a priority to attend!
I am so happy to say that Baby Jack is recovering from his second liver transplant nicely. He came out of ICU early this week and has been enjoying being held and rocked by those that love him so. Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes for this darling baby boy and his family.